Secretariat’s Meadow Galloping into Kentucky

Our Barnstorming Book Tour is going along at a fast clip!  October will kick off with a crowded field of events!

First,  Kate and Penny will be going to LA for the long-awaited premiere of the Secretariat film on Sept. 30. We will look for them on the red carpet!  Or maybe it will be a blue and white carpet for the Meadow Stable colors?  

Then our jet-setting Kate lands in Paris, KY for the Bourbon County Secretariat Festival on October 2 where she will be meeting and greeting fans and signing “Secretariat’s Meadow.”  On October 3, she is signing at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington for our good friends with the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation.  That evening, Wayne Dementi (our publisher)  and I meet up with Kate for the special screening of the film and a book signing.

On October 4, we have signings at the International Equestrian Festival in Lexington and at the Kentucky Derby Museum in Louisville. Wayne and I have to get back to Richmond on October 5, but Kate stays to continue signing at WEG and IEF through October 6.

On October 7, Kate rejoins us in Richmond for another round of book events  through October 14. The complete schedule for the book tour is posted on  We promise to post lots of pics and video.  Be sure to check our Facebook page at! for for daily updates from Kentucky!

It’s starting to feel like Secretariat’s Derby where he ran every furlong faster!

Leeanne Meadows Ladin

co-author, “Secretariat’s Meadow – The Land, The Family, The Legend”

Secretariat’s Meadow hit #4 on Amazon

Big news for our Barnstorming Book Tour!

Today Secretariat’s Meadow hit #4 on Amazon’s list of new releases in sports books!  Our book team was thrilled.  I started firing off emails to everyone, crowing about the news.  I posted it on our Secretariat’s Meadow Facebook page,  my personal Facebook page and my LinkedIn page.  Then I sat back and basked in the glory of the moment.

The moment was short-lived.  The rankings are updated HOURLY.  Next time I checked the Amazon new release rankings page we had dropped down to 8th place in the individual sports category. I didn’t realize these rankings are like the stock market.  They go up and down all day!

So now I have yet another reason to obsess about our online presence.   Today, the publishing industry says that 66 percent of books are  sold online.  We have Secretariat’s Meadow not only on Amazon, but on Barnes & Noble and Borders as well. I just need to figure out how to keep up with all these online bookseller pages, our Book page,  our website, Facebook, our Blog Talk Radio program, this blog, and  oh yeah, do some real writing and my client work.  And I’m not even attempting Twitter, which many publishing industry experts say is THE social media tool for authors to market their work.

But  for now, I just have to check our Amazon ranking one more time before I call it a day!

At 11:45 pm….#5 and holding!

Leeanne Meadows Ladin