Secretariat’s Meadow – The Land, The Family, The Legend

Horses who touch the heart

The fans of our “Secretariat’s Meadow” Facebook page continue to send us some of the most touching stories about the descendants of Big Red that they own or have owned. While some of his progeny never distinguished themselves on the track, they proved their worth in other ways.

This story from Litia of California is a case in point.  She writes:

“Secretariat is the Great Grand Sire of my mare Native Star aka Dancer.  I am newer to the horse world and came to horse ownership through personal tragedy.  My daughter was killed in a car accident in 2006 and I needed an outlet for grief.  I had ridden with friends growing up so was not totally unfamiliar with horses but had never been around thoroughbreds.  I started lessons on Dancer, who was very “green” then, as was I at the time.  I then started leasing her and eventually her owner surprised her to me as what I would call the special gift of a life time, she was given to me. 

Dancer is mischievous and hard working.  Wants to please and learns fast.  However she never did race.  I have heard that she was training and was injured on her right front shoulder.  She was recuperated and put back into training and was stiff in her hind end, and was sort of never the same, just did not have the heart.  Her former owner told me that her track trainer said that she was one of the fastest sprinters he had seen.  I believe it, this girl can run. 

I was able to locate her sire, I wanted had a need to know that he was ok.  I have been unable to locate her dam to this day.  I have a fear that she is not ok, I am still looking.

True to the heart of a horse, Dancer saved my life, heart and soul and has helped me move forward.  She will have her forever home with me here is California.”

We thank Litia for sharing her story with us.  More to come.

Leeanne Meadows Ladin

copyright 2011


One response to “Horses who touch the heart”

  1. […] right Dancer and I are on their blog with our own story and her picture! We are now FAMOUS!!!! http://secretariatsmeadowblog.wordpr…uch-the-heart/ __________________ Native Star aka Dancer = 7yo OTTB mareIf you are going to teach a horse […]

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